
Friday, October 18, 2013


Written Oct 8, 2008 


Hannah is so excited! I think she is anyways. I know that we are all so happy! It felt like this journey was never going to end. I mean this journey is not over but to finally get to go home in approximately 10-12 days is so great. On August 5th when Hannah and I came to Little Rock on the ambulance, I never would have imagined we would still be here 2 1/2 months later. It has been a long stay but we are ready to get back to Siloam. We will still be visiting Little Rock ever month for a week at a time for 2-3 years, but this will be much more tolerable.

Hannah's has been doing wonderful. She is starting to be a copy cat and do anything that you do. A fake cough, clicking your tongue, patting your head, anything you do she will do.
It is super cute!
Today Hannah rolled from her back to her belly all by herself. She also commando crawled the length of the bed to me. She can not get her knees under her yet. Hannah has a fight in her that I have never seen. She wants to get up and go. I believe by the Grace of God she will be running and walking before we know it.

Jon and Jackson left yesterday to go to Siloam. Thursday is the golf tournament for Hannah and Saturday is the benefit concert in Siloam with 'Jackson Waters' preforming at 2:00. If you have any questions about these events just e-mail me and let me know. We would love to have everyone and anyone who can come to go to the concert.
My Aunt Linda came to Little Rock to be with Hannah and I while Jon is gone. I need an extra hand and she is such a great helper. Hannah is really starting to get super spoiled!

Thank you all for continuing to pray for Hannah.
Please pray for her lab counts to go up and for her to get more strength so I can chase her around.
God Bless You All!

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