
Friday, October 18, 2013


Written Oct 6, 2008

What a wonderful day Sunday was.
We all got up in a good mood. Jon made us pancakes, eggs, and bacon. We all got ready for the day then off we went. We can not go to church because we can not go to public places with a lot of people (excluding the hospital). So, I had a great idea. Let's go to a park! I found a park and thought we could play outside and have a picnic lunch. The park was not a park. It was a lot of nature trails in the woods. We hiked down the trails for about 30 minutes, we were all getting tired and hungry so we hiked back up to the car. We drove around and could not find a place to have a picnic so back to the apartment we went. We all ate our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then took a nap.
Hannah seemed to enjoy being outside and the fresh air. She and Jackson both took really good naps. We let Jackson stay up late this night and he watch the movie 'Annie' with Jon and I, one of my favorites!

Today, Monday has been a whirl wind of a day! I woke up this morning and looked at the clock and it was 8:30! Hannah's has her radiation treatment at 8:20. We can't be late, we can't miss her treatment or they add it to the end, which means more days we have to be in Little Rock. I called Carti and let them know we were running behind but would be there in 10 minutes. One of my number one pet peeves is being late for an appointment. Needless to say we made it in one piece and Hannah received her treatment.
After Hannah's radiation we had to go to the hospital. Monday's are Hannah's lab work days and of course physical therapy!
Hannah's ANC is 900 today. That is lower than we would like to have it. Hopefully by Thursday, when we go to the clinic her levels will be better. Hannah did well in physical therapy. We came back to the apartment and everyone is taking a much needed nap!

Hannah's port site is looking really good. It does not look like it is infected! CAN I GET AN AMEN! Thank you for the prayers for Hannah's port site.

Please continue to pray for Hannah. We pray for a complete and total healing of her body and that her ANC increases!

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